If you want to birth in
Peace & Power
you need to plan to

Birth Differently

Differently than what?

Standard birth practices in the US today:

  • About 1 in 3 births results in a c-section. (CDC)

  • 33 - 45% of women report feeling traumatized by their birth experience (Maternal Mental Health Alliance; National Institutes of Health)

  • Majority of births within hospital start with unnecessary interventions (cervical exams, IV’s, drug administration, for examples)

  • Discharged home alone from most hospitals within 24-48 hours with a one-time visit 6 weeks later

To put it simply, this standard practice of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum planning isn’t leading to Peaceful & Powerful outcomes for the majority of women.

You have the power to change that.

What are women experiencing when supported by My Birth Choices?

  • 94% of clients who have been served prenatally or during birth by Kayla at My Birth Choices have achieved their planned vaginal delivery.

  • If birth unfolded differently than expected, clients have shown positive coping mechanisms and denied birth trauma.

  • Within birthing experiences, clients have shown confident ability to verbally accept or decline intervention according to their beliefs and pre-made birth plan.

  • Pregnancy Partner clients are supported for a full 60 days after baby’s birthdate to reflect on their birth, ask questions about baby care or their own care, and receive support from an experienced birth professional who has known them intimately through pregnancy, birth, and into postpartum.

So, how does My Birth Choices help families experience Peaceful & Powerful Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum?

Welcome to
Pregnancy Partnership!

You’re in the perfect place if you:

♡ Want to get really familiar with pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum amidst a culture that has remained disconnected from the process.

♡ Recognize that the standardized medical model of care contains gaps and pitfalls, and that you deserve a more personalized journey.

♡ Desire partnered guidance with an experienced Doula/Assistant Midwife, perceiving that traversing alone can be lonely, and even dangerous.

Choose your level of support!

Choose your level of support!

From educational consultations to my Pregnancy Partnership Program and Birth Doula Services, choose your level of support and become one step closer to the Peaceful & Powerful birth of your dreams today. I can’t wait to connect with you.

Birth Education Preparation Sessions


Head knowledge for the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum periods are great, but it’s essential that you are confident in how to USE that information, and when. As an experienced birth worker I have insight into preparation topics that will make all the difference in your personalized experience, such as:

♡ First and Second Trimester Wellness

♡ Resources to Support the Birth of your Dreams

♡ How Mother and Partner Advocate for a Peaceful Birth

♡ Movements of Peace and Power in Pregnancy, Birth, & Postpartum

♡ Or Customize your Connection Call (we will do this together)

Expect about 90 minutes per video call, with actionable summaries provided after each call. Under certain circumstances, consultations may take place in person rather than video call.

A FREE Introductory consult to meet you and your partner is always our starting place. As a thank you, I give you an introduction to my proprietary framework, BESTIEmpowered: Framework for an Empowered Birth.

Pregnancy Partnership


x2 payments; total $750

Increase your confidence as we partner together to prepare for your desired birth experience This service includes up to 10 months of support: three personalized virtual visits with Kayla during which she provides resources and support for your specific journey, including a personalized guide for your direct support person to use in labor and delivery. Open communication exists between our scheduled Partnership Appointments. Communication with Kayla during labor is encouraged, but she does not attend your delivery. Add-on in-person doula support available to Pregnancy Partner clients only.

A FREE Introductory consult to meet you and your partner is always our starting place. As a thank you, I give you an introduction to my proprietary framework, BESTIEmpowered: Framework for an Empowered Birth.

“Pregnancy Partnership was extremely valuable, and all moms-to-be, regardless of birth setting or phase of parenthood, would benefit from it.”

Hannah, MBC Client &

First-time mom

My Birth Choices: Prenatal-Postpartum


Using Instagram, these posts are conversation starters. Kayla’s aim is to share real-life examples from her lifework to reveal beyond-basic choices from preconception through postpartum that are worth considering.

Pregnancy Partnership has helped us be more informed and confident about childbirth and the transition to parenthood. Kayla's individualized approach has helped us discern our birth preferences and aided us in navigating the many resources and choices out there to help us find what works for us. She has been an excellent support for our journey so far.

— Hannah, first time mom

During my pregnancy, I felt weighed down with the constant flow of other’s input, stories, or trauma about their birth experiences. Kayla’s voice could not have been more different. Her words were so welcomed as they were saturated in encouragement, rooted in knowledge, and incredibly insightful. During every meeting I would end up taking notes on my phone with new thoughts, questions I was eager to discuss with my husband that day, and left with an anticipatory heart for what was to come. She is uniquely gifted to encourage and educate in ways you did not know you needed.

— Mel, first time mom

My Birth Choices Subscription

Members gain insight into attaining Peaceful & Powerful Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum. Subscribe today!

✓ Blog: Insightful tips from a Doula/Assistant Midwife
✓ Peaceful & Powerful Birth Stories
✓ Free Newsletter w/ discounts on products, services, courses!